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contoh kalimat by sea

"by sea" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • He'll reach 'Bhau Cha Dhakka' by sea.
    Dia akan mencapai 'Bhau Cha Dhakka 'oleh laut.
  • We will go out and by sea - If -
    Mendarat di laut - Jadi
  • He also captured Amalfi in 838 by sea.
    Ia juga menangkap Amalfi pada tahun 838 lewat laut.
  • For this reason, it is usually transported by sea.
    Biasanya di-angkut melalui "Jalur Laut".
  • So he'll attack the conference by sea.
    Jadi dia akan menyerang konferensi dari laut.
  • So, how did you get here? We came by sea.
    Bagaimana sampai di sini?
  • On a sailboat surrounded by sea with no land in sight?
    Diatas perahu dikelilingi lautan tanpa terlihat daratan?
  • "One if by land, two if by sea."
    Satu lewat tanah, Dua lewat laut.
  • That's a three-month voyage by sea.
    Butuh 3 bulan lewat laut untuk ke sana.
  • Mr. Choi arranged for me to leave by sea tonight.
    Pak Choi menyiapkan untukku pergi lewat laut malam ini.
  • The vast majority of heavy goods trade is done by sea.
    Mayoritas besar perdagangan barang berat dilakukan oleh laut.
  • "One by air, one by sea, one by land".
    Kode tersebut adalah;"two if by sea, one if by land".
  • In North America it was titled Chased by Sea Monsters.
    Seri ini dirilis dengan judul Chased by Sea Monsters.
  • And I travel by sea. - Right.
    Dan aku bepergian melalui laut.
  • Thus, mussels' lower limits are set by sea star predation.
    Dengan demikian, batas bawah kerang ditetapkan oleh bintang laut pemangsa.
  • We all remember Paul Revere's ride. "One if by land, two if by sea. "
    Kita semua ingat sajak Paul Revere,
  • Two, they come by sea.
    Dua lentera, mereka datang lewat laut.
  • In 654, however, Muawiyah renewed his raids by sea, plundering Rhodes.
    Pada 654, Muawiyah memperbarui serangannya di laut dengan menjarah Rhodes.
  • The province is connected by sea waters and small islands.
    Daerah Kepulauan Bangka Belitung dihubungkan oleh perairan laut dan pulau-pulau kecil.
  • By sea or by air?
    Lewat Laut atau melalui udara?
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